Saturday, September 24, 2005

My Second Blog!

Hey hey, I now have TWO blogs! Well kind of; actually the blog that I have just created is not really "mine" in the "personal" sense, it is really's blog but technically I "own" it.

Yesterday at SourceForge I picked up a copy of Simple PHP Blog (at no charge, naturally; it is free open-source software).

It was nice and easy to install, all I did was make a directory for it, unzip it into that directory, tell my webserver to support PHP for that domain, change ownership of the directory and all its of contents to the user that my webserver runs as (so that my webserver would have permission to write stuff in that directory) then visit that directory of that website with my browser. Presto, sphpblog itself appeared and walked me through the rest.


1 comment:

Lewis E. Moten III said...

Thanks for the link, but the platform is just too simple. I can't manage my template online, I can't import my old entries through an API, no ability to change dates, all my entries need [html][/html] tags around them. the list just goes on. ... too simple.