Just saw a very nice issue of "Outer Limits" earlier, inspiring me to log in at Blogger/Blogspot to write... :etcetcetc: ...And eventually here I am back at that tab of that browser-window, wow, is Firefox getting better at ro-busting or are today's roes less determined to shoot down every browser that comes their way?
Hmm, maybe its that they're more canny about which browsers look at them sideways, which Internet Protocol (I.P.; IP) addresses they're not quite so wary of, and stuff like that?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, the short of the long of it has it that "Outer Limits" is on again already, on another channel (Thanks TROP! Hmm, tropism, taxis, praxis, what next?)
Another organics versus inorganics episode! Have the robots in management been infiltrated? Which reminds me...
...Remember when the Borg were equals? Like, before some sick f*** vented "Queens"? Which reminds me...
...Remember when no Changeling had ever harmed another?
Speaking of navels, loose lips, and ships, I may as well throw in a couple of horror stories about loose lips:
Once upon a time I mentioned to someone of an XY persuasion that on the Enterprise, no-one ever has to be alone. His response? "We're not on the Enterprise."
That might not sound surprising, plenty of organic peripherals could well be expected to have still had programming back in those days (it wasn't this millennia) that could lead to such a response. But the specific organic peripheral wasn't one I'd've expected to be that sad a case. Sad. Sad. Sad. :sadsadsad:
Then there was the time I mentioned to someone, possibly of the XX persuasion, that no Changeling ever harms another. The response? I was behind the times. That too wasn't this millenia, most likely. (Does anyone bother remembering what happened in which millenia instead of merely what precededed what? Numerology? Did numerology really work back then? It didn't seem to me to be such a danger then as in this millenia, in which possibly becoming so totally predicted as to have no need for anyone to actually experience it could maybe even happen in some futures... What, that's merely Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Uh, no, its Obsessive Compulsive Order...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Trying to upgrade email processing...
Again it has been a long time since I last posted to my blog. Too many things to do, blogger/blogspot had to go on a 'back burner' for a while.
Today I have started trying to process an email account on Yahoo that had hundreds of emails in the inbox dating back quite a while (due to using yahoo for email was on yet another 'back burner').
In the process I came up with a new strategy to attempt. I sorted the inbox by sender, and noticed the sender t the top of the list had only sent me one message. That led me to think hey, someone who waits for a reply before sneding another email might hypothetically not be a spammer. (Understand that the specific yahoo email account I was processing was one I tended to use in contexts in which I figured I might well be setting myself up to get spammed if I gave an email address, and sure enough if there is anything other than spam in that inbox, other than whatever I expected to arrive there today and thus went these to look for, it sure is hard to find amongst the hundreds of items that have many of the hallmarks of the kind of spam I figured I might have been letting myself in for.)
Thus I started to compose a first draught of a "form letter" to be used in future to reply to emails from people from whom I only seem to have received one email but that I cannot find in my files any indication of how exactly they came across my email address, what thread or conversation or whatever we had been engaged in that had led to them sending me that email, maybe even what computer I had been at when I requested that email or why, if I had subscribed to some kind of mailing list, that list had only managed to send me one email instead of whatever regular postings I had subscribed to that list in order to obtain.
Here is what I came up with:
Greetings! Unless Yahoo has deleted or spam-foldered any other emails you have sent me, the email to which I am replying seems to be the only email you have sent to this email account.
I am in the process of reviewing my email processing methodology and hopefully upgrading it in various ways, for example I do not seem to have any record of how exactly it is that we came in email contact initially nor why we settled upon this specific email account as our preferred method of keeping in touch with each other. Do you happen to have such records on file? As I cannot recall precisely when and where I told you to use this specific email address as send-to address when sending this specific category of information/email.
Since I see only the one email from you in my files, I am guessing the email to which I am replying is not a mailing-list message, because if I am on a mailing list I'd expect to see regular posts coming in from the list to which I subscribed. Thus I infer that that either I accidentally got unsubscribed or we were communicating by some means other than email, or by means of some other email account than this one, then for some reason I requested this specific item of information to be sent to this specific email address instead of to whatever address we had hitherto been using in our correspondence.
I am sorry it has taken so long to get back to you on this, unfortunately I got so swamped with spam that it has taken this long for me to come up with the strategy of looking for senders who only sent one message and who therefore are presumably waiting for my response to that message before continuing our conversation/correspondence.
Let us try to pick up the thread and get back to whatever it was exactly that we were trying to achieve.
Today I have started trying to process an email account on Yahoo that had hundreds of emails in the inbox dating back quite a while (due to using yahoo for email was on yet another 'back burner').
In the process I came up with a new strategy to attempt. I sorted the inbox by sender, and noticed the sender t the top of the list had only sent me one message. That led me to think hey, someone who waits for a reply before sneding another email might hypothetically not be a spammer. (Understand that the specific yahoo email account I was processing was one I tended to use in contexts in which I figured I might well be setting myself up to get spammed if I gave an email address, and sure enough if there is anything other than spam in that inbox, other than whatever I expected to arrive there today and thus went these to look for, it sure is hard to find amongst the hundreds of items that have many of the hallmarks of the kind of spam I figured I might have been letting myself in for.)
Thus I started to compose a first draught of a "form letter" to be used in future to reply to emails from people from whom I only seem to have received one email but that I cannot find in my files any indication of how exactly they came across my email address, what thread or conversation or whatever we had been engaged in that had led to them sending me that email, maybe even what computer I had been at when I requested that email or why, if I had subscribed to some kind of mailing list, that list had only managed to send me one email instead of whatever regular postings I had subscribed to that list in order to obtain.
Here is what I came up with:
Greetings! Unless Yahoo has deleted or spam-foldered any other emails you have sent me, the email to which I am replying seems to be the only email you have sent to this email account.
I am in the process of reviewing my email processing methodology and hopefully upgrading it in various ways, for example I do not seem to have any record of how exactly it is that we came in email contact initially nor why we settled upon this specific email account as our preferred method of keeping in touch with each other. Do you happen to have such records on file? As I cannot recall precisely when and where I told you to use this specific email address as send-to address when sending this specific category of information/email.
Since I see only the one email from you in my files, I am guessing the email to which I am replying is not a mailing-list message, because if I am on a mailing list I'd expect to see regular posts coming in from the list to which I subscribed. Thus I infer that that either I accidentally got unsubscribed or we were communicating by some means other than email, or by means of some other email account than this one, then for some reason I requested this specific item of information to be sent to this specific email address instead of to whatever address we had hitherto been using in our correspondence.
I am sorry it has taken so long to get back to you on this, unfortunately I got so swamped with spam that it has taken this long for me to come up with the strategy of looking for senders who only sent one message and who therefore are presumably waiting for my response to that message before continuing our conversation/correspondence.
Let us try to pick up the thread and get back to whatever it was exactly that we were trying to achieve.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Politics' version of progressive revelations?
Surfing BlogSoldiers I came across this interesting snippet: "It would be strange to see the Libertarian Party advertise themselves as "true democrats" in so-called "Democratic" districts and as "true republicans" in so-called "Republican" districts, but they literally have the right to do so." (See Our Independent Libertarian Spirit.)
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
The crafting of an imposter
I suspect there might be a "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" episode that I haven't seen yet.
I am thinking of a story-arc involving Odo and Kira, which I recall coming to a focus in a cave where Odo could distinguish an imposter from the purportedly-real Kira by the fact that the purportedly-real Kira would never admit to such a thing as loving Odo.
I do not recall any clues in that episode indicating that the audience, or even the author(s), were to be taken as being aware of a mechanism by means of which whatsoever is believed to be true is perceived as true, thus the impression I took from the episode was that the creature Odo was observing was in fact an imposter, rather than its having actually been the purportedly-real Kira up until the moment when his belief that it was not crystalised into the material plane he was experiencing, resulting in the purportedly-real Kira being replaced (possibly by a switch of timeline or something, who knows, there could be many potential mechanisms for such things for all we know, maybe?) by an imposter.
So there you have it, that was the highest point of that arc I recall having seen. The reason I suspect the existence of an episode that I have not seen is that I have since seen more than one episode in which, presumably, Kira has been permanently replaced by some such imposter, as witnessed by the fact that, lo and behold, the creature purported to be Kira expresses expressions that presumably correspond to the kind of expressions Odo had believed, in the cave, the 'real' Kira would not express.
Hmm. I kind of wonder how it came to pass that Odo's timeline changed from one in which the real Kira would not express such things to one in which she would. :)
I am thinking of a story-arc involving Odo and Kira, which I recall coming to a focus in a cave where Odo could distinguish an imposter from the purportedly-real Kira by the fact that the purportedly-real Kira would never admit to such a thing as loving Odo.
I do not recall any clues in that episode indicating that the audience, or even the author(s), were to be taken as being aware of a mechanism by means of which whatsoever is believed to be true is perceived as true, thus the impression I took from the episode was that the creature Odo was observing was in fact an imposter, rather than its having actually been the purportedly-real Kira up until the moment when his belief that it was not crystalised into the material plane he was experiencing, resulting in the purportedly-real Kira being replaced (possibly by a switch of timeline or something, who knows, there could be many potential mechanisms for such things for all we know, maybe?) by an imposter.
So there you have it, that was the highest point of that arc I recall having seen. The reason I suspect the existence of an episode that I have not seen is that I have since seen more than one episode in which, presumably, Kira has been permanently replaced by some such imposter, as witnessed by the fact that, lo and behold, the creature purported to be Kira expresses expressions that presumably correspond to the kind of expressions Odo had believed, in the cave, the 'real' Kira would not express.
Hmm. I kind of wonder how it came to pass that Odo's timeline changed from one in which the real Kira would not express such things to one in which she would. :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Then there was the whatsit that used the widjit to do the whajamacallit...
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